TN Baptist Relief

Bringing Hope and Healing

The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board oversees the daily operation of the mission and ministry activities of the network churches that make up the Tennessee Baptist Convention. With over 3,000 church members, the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board works to change the world through ministries, church support, and evangelism, all for the glory of Jesus Christ.

The Details

Franklin, TN

Since 2018 to Present

Grant Amount to Date: $1,700,000+

The Need

The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board relies on support from families, businesses, and organizations to fund their work.


Our Contribution

Grant funds were used to help those impacted by the Tornado that hit the Nashville area. The funds provided materials to fix damaged homes and ship goods to meet the basic necessities of disaster victims. Beyond direct help, the funds brought hope to victims as they understood others loved them and were eager to get their life back to normal. The help and the hope brought healing, as pieces of their lives and homes were put back together. For some, the ultimate healing through a new relationship with Christ as Savior.


The Impact

The impact of the funds are as different as the victims of a disaster. The availability of the funds allowed TN Baptist Disaster Relief (TBDR) to customize response based on the needs of the victims. During the flooding in East Tennessee, the grant funding provided the purchase of materials to replace the sheetrock in flooded homes. In one neighborhood, TBDR rented a large 8-inch water pump to pump water from a subdivision that was built in a bowl, with nowhere for the water to go. Teams pumped millions upon millions of gallons of water out so the homeowners could begin to reclaim their homes and start recovery work. Thousands of meals were prepared by TBDR feeding units for those without access to meals. Churches were able to access the funds to close the gap on insurance bringing their facilities back online to continue serving their communities. The funds also provided the connection for volunteers to follow their calling in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.


Grant Amount

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.

Nahum 1:7